








臺北醫學大學公共衛生學院 講座教授
成功大學醫學院 外科教授
臺北醫學大學衛生福利政策研究中心 主任

臺北醫學大學雙和醫院 顧問醫師













榮獲經理人雜誌100 MVP 前十大經理人





1.    Chun-Jean Lee, Po-Huang Lee, Po-Chang Lee (1984): Preliminary studies of neutrophil leukocyte function in uremic patients and transplant recipients. Chinese J Microbio Immunol, 17:138-145.

2.    Shuei-Long Lin, Po-Chang Lee, Chun-Jean Lee, Shu Yef (1985): Carcinoid tumor of the Liver. J Surg Assoc ROC, 18:223-229.

3.    Po-Chang Lee, PI Tersaki (1985): Effect of age of kidney transplants. In Terasaki PI (ed): Clinical Kidney Transplants. Chapter 8: P123-127 Los Angles, UCLA Tissue typing Laboratory.

4.    Shoei-Long Lin, Chun-Jean Lee, King-Sui Liao, Wen-Yen Wang, Po-Chang Lee (1987): Operative choledochscopy in exploration of the common bile duct. J Surg Assoc ROC, 20: 286-290.

5.    Chun-Jean Lee, Po-Huang Lee, Po-Chang Lee (1987): Immunological  monitoring in renal allograft recipients. Southeast Asian J Surg, 10: 52-58.

6.    李伯璋(1989):腎臟移植器官核白血球功能之評估.中華現代外科學(12):臟器移植學, 233-238.

7.    李伯璋(1989):人類白血球抗原與腎臟移植.中華現代外科學(12):臟器移植學,  187-190.

8.    李伯璋(1989):年齡對腎臟移植的影響.中華現代外科學(12):臟器移植學, 234-250.

9.    J.J. Tai, Keh-Min Chiou, Chun-Jean Lee, Lung-An Li, Po-Chang Lee, Shan-Yie Lieu (1989): Index typing of HLA serological data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 16: 69-75.

10.Po-Chang Lee, Chun-Jean Lee, Po-Huang Lee, Shoei-Long Lin, Shan-Yei Lieu, Wen-Ching Wang (1989): Comparison of peripheral blood lymphocytes and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes subpopulations among patients with gastrointestinal malignancy. J Surg Assoc ROC,

11.Po-Chang Lee, Chun-Jean Lee, Po-Huang Lee, Shoei-Long Lin, Shan-Yei Lieu, Wen-Ching Wang (1989): HLA Antigens in patients with end stage glomerulonephritis. J Nephrology ROC, 13: 62-67.

12.Po-Chang Lee, Po-Huang Lee, Tai-Lu Tsang, Whei-Wing Hu, Shoui-Long Lin (1989): Hypothyroidism in elderly patient with rectal prolapse- a case report. J Surg Assoc ROC, 22: 360-363.

13.Chun Jean Lee, Po-Chang Lee, JJ Tai, Po-Huang Lee (1990): Human leukocyte antigens in inhabitants of Taiwan. J Formosan Med Assoc, 89: 526-533.

14.Tsai-Wang Chang, Shin-Huang Chan, Tsun-Jey Hung, Pin-Wen Lin, Po-Chang Lee, Shih-Ming Huang, Cheng-Chung Lee, Yu-Jen Yang (1993): Nonoperative treatment for blunt splenic injuries in adult clinical parameters predicting successful results. J Sung Assoc ROC.

15.WY Yin, PW Lin, SM Huang, PC Lee, JC Lee, TW Chang (1993): Bezoar manifested with intestinal obstruction: A review of 20 cases. J Sung Assoc ROC, 27: 2189-97.

16.K Arakawa, T Akami, M Okamoto, K AkioKa, Po-Chang Lee, Y Sugano, J Kamei , T Suzuki, H Nagase, Y Truchihashi, T Oka (1994): Prolongation of heart xenograft survival in the NK deficient rat. Transplant Proc, 26: 1266-1267.

17.Po-Chang Lee, Chun-Ching Liang, Huan-Yao Lei, Po-Huang Lee, Chun-Jean Lee (1994): Use of living unrelated kidney donors. Transplantation, 57: 1134-1136.

18.Po-Chang Lee, Huan-Yao Lei, Ying-Tai Jin, Po-Huang Lee, Chun-Jean Lee (1994): Prolongation of rat cardiac allograft survival by hyperimmune blood transfusion without immunosuppression. Transplant Proc, 26: 2323-2326.

19.Po-Chang Lee, Ming-Jer Tang, Junne-Ming Song, Eng-Jun Chen, Po-Huang Lee, Chun-Jean Lee (1994): Thyroid hormone responses in the early kidney transplants. Transplant Proc, 26: 2184-2186.

20.Po-Chang Lee, Peng-Yeng Lee, Huan-Yao Lei, Fen-Fen Chen, Jung-Yie Tseng, Ying-Tai Ching (1994): Malaria infection in kidney transplant recipients. Transplant Proc, 26: 2099-2100.

21.Hsu PI, Chow NK, Lin XZ, Yang HB, Chan SH, Lee PC (1995): Prognostic significance of ferritin expression in colorectal adenocarcinoma.

22.Po-Chang Lee, CJ Hung, JM Sung, YT Chang, MT Tsai, YS Dai, CC Liag, HY Lei (1996): Asymptomatic cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplants-treatment or not. Transplant Proc, 28: 1513-1515.

23.Po-Chang Lee, HY Lei, CJ Hung, K Arakawa, T Oka (1996): Prolongation of hamster-to-rat cardic xenosuppression. Transplant Proc, 28: 1397-1399.

24.TC hung, PO-Chang Lee (1996): Clinical implication of hormone treatment in postmenopansal kidney transplants. Transplant Proc, 28: 1548-1550.

25.PW Lin, JC Lee, Po-Chang Lee, TW Chang, CJ Hung, YC Chang (1997): A Simple, Secure and Universal Pancreaticojejunstomy following Pancreaticoduodenectomy. HPB Surgery, 10: 305-310.

26.Yin WY, Lin PW, Hwang SM, Lee PC (1997): Bezoar Manifested with digestive and biliary obstruction. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 44(16): 1037-45.


28.Po-chang Lee, Yih-Weng Wang, Ih-Jen Su, Yih-Jyh Lin, Huan-Yao Lei (1998): Immunosuppressive Drugs and HHV-8 in a patient with a renal transplant and Kaposi's Sarcoma. Lancet, 351: 1175-1176.

29.Po-chang Lee, Yih-Jyh Lin, Bor-Lin Yao, Hong-Ming Tsai (1998): Acute Pseudorejection-Intermittent Dextrorotation of the Uterus Causing Graft Obstruction. Neph Dialy Transpl, 13: 1016-1017.

30.Po-Chang Lee, Po-Huang Lee, CK Shaw, SK Takemoto, DW Gjectson,PA Siauw, PI Terasak (1998): HLA Epitopes for kidney Allocation. Transplant Proc, 30: 3496-3497.

31.Bor-Shyang Sheu, Po-Chang Lee, Hsiao-Bai Yang (1998): A giant ulcer Caused by Mucormycosis Infection in a Patient with Renal Transplantation. Endoscopy, 30: S60-61.


33.Po-Chang Lee, Chung-Jye Hung, Huan-Yao Lei, Ting-Tsung Chang, Jen-Ren Wang, and Ming-Shiou Jan (2000): Parvovirus B19-related acute hepatitis in an immunosuppressed kidney transplant. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 15: 1486-1488.

34.Po-Chang Lee, Chung-Jye Hung, Huan-Yao Lei, and Yu-Chuan Tsai (2000): Suspected acute post-transplant neuropsychosis due to interaction of morphine and cyclosporine after a renal transplant. Anaesthesia, 55(8): 827-828.

35.Po-chang Lee, Po-Huang Lee, Cheng-kuang Shaw, Huan-Yao Lei, Jung-Chin Chen, Steve Takemoto (2000): Effectiveness of organ sharing program in providing zero-HLA-A.B,DR mismatched kidneys for transplantation in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc, 99(6): 447-452.

36.Yan-Shen Shan, Po-Chang Lee, Jen-Ren Wang, Huey-Pin Tsai, Chunne-Ming Sung, and Ying-Tai Jin (2001): Fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis possibly related to persistent parvovirus B19 infection in a renal transplant recipient. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 16: 2420-2422.

37.Yan-Shen Shan, Po-Chang Lee, Edgar D. Sy, Chung-Jye Hung, and Yih-Jyh Lin (2001): Polycystic kidney patient as a cadaveric donor: is it appropriate. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 16: 410-411.

38.Chung-Jye Hung, Pin_Wen Lin, Po-chang Lee, Hsing-Hong Chen, and Fen-Fen Chen. 2002 March; 131(3): Supernumerary intravagal parathyroid hyperplasia. Surgery:359-61.

39.Po-Chang Lee, Yu-Chuan Tsai, Chung-Jye Hung, Yih-Jyh Lin, Huan-Yao Lei, Jih-Ing Chuang, and Kuei-Sen Hsu 2002 July; 106(1): Induction of antinociception and increased Met-enkephalin plasma levels by cyclosporine and morphine in rats: implications on combined use of cyclosporine and morphine and acute posttransplant neuropsychosis. J Surg Res : 1-6.

40.Po-Chang Lee, Chung-Jye Hung, Yih-Jyh Lin, Jen-Ren Wang, Ming-shiou Jan, and Huan-Yao Lei 2002 May 27; 73(10): A role for chronic parvovirus B19 infection in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation 1635-1639.

41.Po-Chang Lee, PI Terasaki ,Steve Takemoto,Po-Huang Lee, Chang-Jye Hung, Yi-Lin Chen, Alen Tsai, and Huan-Yao Lei. 2002 October 27; 74(8): All chronic rejection failures of kidney transplants were preceded by development of HLA antibodies. Transplantation 1192-1194.

42.YC Lee, JP Chuang, CC Lin, YL Lee, WC Su, PC Lee. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: report of a   case. Formos J Surg 2007: 40: 207-211.

43.PC Lee, Miyuki Ozawa. Reappraisal of HLA antibody analysis and crossmatching in kidney transplantation. Clinical Transplants 2007; 219-226.

44.Po-Chang Lee. Clinical perspective on the settlement of medical disputes. National Cheng Kung University 2008

45.CJ Hung, YJ Lin, SS Chang, TC Chou, PC Lee. Development of laparoscopic donor nephrectomy –A strategy to increase living kidney donation incentive while maintain equivalent donor recipient outcome. J Formos Med Assoc 2009;108:95-98 (SCI)

46.SS Chang, CJ Hung, YJ Lin, TC Chou, PC Lee. Influence of preoperative allograft function (effective renal plasma flow) on the short term outcome following living kidney transplantation. Transplant Proc 2008;40:2108-2111. (SCI)

47.CJ Hung, PC Lee, YJ Lin, SS Chang, TC Chou. 5 year experience of adoption and evolution of laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy: results fron center without large volume of patients. Transplant Proc 2008;40:2112-2114. (SCI)

48.Po-Chang Lee. Recent organ transplantation situation in Taiwan 2008. Japanese J Transplantation 2008;43(6):429-433.

49.PC Lee, M Ozawa, CJ Hung, YJ Lin, SS Chang, TC Chou. Reappraisal of HLA antibody analysis and crossmatching in kidney transplantation. Transplant Proc 2009;41:95-98 (SCI)

50.PC Lee, M Ozawa, CJ Hung, YJ Lin, SS Chang, TC Chou. Eighteen year follow up of a retrospective study of HLA antibody on kidney graft survival. Transplant Proc 2009;41:121-123 (SCI)

51.JP Chuang CJ Hung, SS Chang, TC Chou, PC Lee. Does immunosuppressive pharmacotherapy affect isoagglutin titers? Transplant Proc 2008;40:2685-2687. (SCI)

52.Po-Chang Lee, Lan Zhu, PI Terasaki, MJ Everly. HLA antibodies developed in the first year post transplantation are predictive of renal allograft failure. Transplantation 2009;88:568-574. (SCI)

53.Su-Yueh Lin, Susan J Fetzer, Po-Chang Lee and Ching-Huey Chen, Predicting adherence to health care recommendations using health promotion behaviours in kidney transplant recipients within 1–5 years post-transplant. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011;

54.Po-Chang Lee, Yi Lin Chen, Tsung-Ching Chou, Wei-Ming Wang, Jung-Der Wang, Chung-Jye Hung, Shen-Shin Chang, Yih-Jyh Lin, Ren-Hao Chan.The clinical significance of HLA antibody development in kidney transplantation. Transplantation Proceedings, 2012;44, 264–266. (SCI)

55.Po-Chang Lee, Shen-Shin Chang, Shu-Chu Shieh, Zuh-Ciang Wu, Wei-Ming Wang, Jung-Der Wang, Chung-Jye Hung, Yih-Jyh Lin, Tsung-Ching Chou ,Ren-Hao Chan Cyclosporine or Tacrolimus: which is the better partner for Myfortic or CellCept? . Transplant Proc 2011 Transplantation Proceedings, 2012;44, 137–139. (SCI)

56.C.J. Hung, Y.J. Lin, S.S. Chang, T.C. Chou, and P.C. Lee Kidney Grafts With Multiple Renal Arteries Is No Longer a Relative Contraindication With Advance in Surgical Techniques of Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Transplantation Proceedings, 2012; 44, 36–38. (SCI)

57.Shen-Shin Chang, Chung-Jye Hung, Yih-Jyh Lin, Tsung-Ching Chou, Pi-Yun Chung, Yi-Shiu Lin, Po-Chang Lee.Association between preoperative allograft function (effective renal plasma flow) and the change in glomerular filtration rate among living donor kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 2012; 44, 248–253. (SCI)

